ST. MARY CHURCH: Anyone in need of Thanksgiving dinner help, please call the parish office at 617-734-0444 Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. or click here to sign up. We can provide items that make up a typical Thanksgiving meal (turkey, pie, ingredients for traditional side dishes, etc.) which you prepare yourself.
To make a donation towards a Thanksgiving dinner, please give online via our website’s donation form and choose the earmark Thanksgiving Dinner Outreach or give a check (please write “Thanksgiving” on the memo line) in the mail or drop it off in the parish office mailbox on the side door. Thank you!
ST. LAWRENCE CHURCH: We ask St. Lawrence parishioners to donate 16-18 lbs. frozen turkeys and canned goods for needy families in Brookline and the Crossroads Family Shelter in East Boston. Sign-up sheets are at the rectory-side door of the church. After Mass on November 24, these donations will be collected for distribution. Your help is very much appreciated.
For those looking for a cooked Thanksgiving day meal, United Parish in Coolidge Corner, Brookline, has a Thanksgiving dinner that is open to the community. You can learn more and sign up here.